22,897 Kuwaitis, expats ‘banned’ from traveling

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KUWAIT CITY, May 7: The Sentence Enforcement General Department at the Ministry of Justice, headed by Judge Abdullah Al-Othman, has been exerting tremendous efforts to preserve public money through the enforcement of judgments in various governorate administrations and Kuwait International Airport. According to statistics from the ministry; 22,897 citizens and expatriates were banned from traveling in the first three months of 2024; while the travel ban of 11,654 citizens and expatriates was lifted. The statistics also revealed that the travel ban lifted for 1,122 citizens was ‘a one-time trip’ as they are Kuwaitis who do not fear escape or treatment abroad. Ahmadi Governorate recorded the highest number of travel ban during the aforementioned period, followed by Farwaniya, Hawally, Capital and Mubarak Al-Kabeer.

By Jaber Al-Hamoud
Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff

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