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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, April 9: A great feature among Kuwaiti families is generosity to such an extent that caring for orphans and those without families especially children and infants have become the most prominent aspects of competition among citizens in terms of embracing them, sheltering them, and securing their care, reports Al-Qabas daily. The waiting lists of aspiring families to embrace an orphan are long, just as their patience is long to obtain what they want for more than two full years. However, the Ministry of Social Affairs’ contact at any moment is a door to the realization of the dream, especially among those who have been deprived of the blessing of childbearing. Monitoring family custody in social care homes affiliated to the Ministry of Social Affairs, Iman Al-Enezi revealed the success of 651 Kuwaiti families in fostering orphaned children over the past years. There are 36 families currently waiting to have a child to care for and to provide him/her an appropriate environment surrounded by security and dignity in the midst of a competent, healthy, socially and financially capable family.

Iman Al-Enezi

Al-Enezi affirmed the keenness of the Family Nursery, through its specialists and supervisors, to choose families properly, according to many strict criteria. She indicated the success of the experiment in Kuwait, and the continuation of receiving applications from the specialized committee during the current year, as they are being vetted by competent supervisors. Al-Enezi explained that Kuwait has reached an important level in this regard. The orphan or foundling child is transferred directly to the foster family, after verifying his health condition and the completion of the procedures by government agencies. Coordination and communication takes place with the foster families for preparation after the case arrives for examination at the Ministry of Health. She stressed the ministry’s keenness to ensure that the psychological and social condition of the foster family is stable, and the environment available to them is suitable for the child to live in, in addition to the stability of its financial situation.

Al-Enezi stated that families deprived of childbearing always prefer infants to share their lives, but there is a condition that must be implemented, which is compulsory breastfeeding according to the law. She indicated that coordination is made with health authorities and specialized doctors to provide appropriate hormonal treatment to give the child and family complete privacy and the right to a decent life.

Al-Enezi said, “There is continuous communication and follow-up between the supervisors and the incubated cases. When there are problems or difficulty in adapting, we intervene directly.” She indicated that there is another incubation program for children aged 4 to 6 years or more, who did not get the opportunity to be incubated when breastfeeding, adding that they are gradually rehabilitated, along with families who have submitted an application to a specialized committee for a period of up to six months. Al-Enezi said the gradual formation of the relationship and linking its bonds between the child and the family that embraces him takes place by meeting inside the nursery. They develop after that between the child and the family until the full level of acceptance is reached. She said she is expecting four children to be transformed from the stage of friendly families to full embrace during the next four months, preceded by seven children who were fully embraced.