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Have you ever wondered how does a day in the life of a personal trainer in Dubai look like? Some personal trainers are taking everything easy and working with clients only in their local gym. Other personal trainers, those who want to take their business to a whole other level, are constantly on the move! And, today, we will share with you their stories. That is, we will try to portray what a day in their life looks like. Trust us, you will be surprised.

A personal training session

Waking up Before Dark

All social activities were put on hold during the last, coronavirus, year. But, luckily, sports clubs and gyms are preparing for the return to normal life. Because of that, the day in the life of a personal trainer in Dubai can also return to normal. And, that day usually starts when it is still night outside - sometimes at 5 am, and sometimes even earlier than that. This is necessary as personal trainers must prepare for their full day of activities and meet the clients who want to exercise before their work. Depending on their schedules, some personal trainers like to eat before their workday starts and some postpone this activity for later. However, one thing is always the same - they all eat healthy food they prepared at home.


Some personal trainers have their own gyms, and thus, have clients who come to them. Others, as previously mentioned, work out only in their local gyms. But, those utmost professionals who want to earn real money, commute, and go to their clients whenever necessary. Sometimes they work with their clients in their own homes, sometimes they work in their gyms, and sometimes they improvise and work out in parks, beaches, hiking trails, etc. This is the case with Dubai Personal Trainers too! They meet up with their clients throughout the entire city of Dubai, no matter when or where.

Training Clients

Of course, once they meet their clients, personal trainers usually spend one or two hours (per client) and have one on one sessions with them. However, training clients is not just telling them what exercises to do, no. In most cases, training clients personally means talking about their personal lives. Emotional support is just as important as anything else in this job. Moreover, training clients also includes explaining the exercises, talking about the importance of each and every exercise they do, talking about diet and eating habits, as well as working out with them. Basically, a day in the life of a personal trainer in Dubai, or pretty much anywhere else in the world, means guiding clients, motivating them, and being there every step of their fitness way.

Holding Exercise Classes

Since gyms are back in business, so are group fitness classes. Some personal trainers hold these group exercise classes because they have a contract with the gym they are using to train, and others do this just so that they could boost their income. Either way, exercise classes help personal trainers become familiar face in the gym and become friends with the members. Who knows, maybe one day that same member becomes a high-paying client (as it usually happens). But, of course, holding an exercise class is not just jumping around, no. In order to have a well-structured class suitable for all levels of fitness, personal trainers must create their own flows of exercises, bring the props, and find suitable music that will bring everybody on their feet.

Creating Training Programs

Holding group classes and creating 'choreographies' for them is much easier than creating personal training ones. This is because the first ones are created to be suitable for a large group of people and they are repeated every week. Latter ones, on the other hand, are much more personal, as the name suggests. If you, for example, want to become a personal trainer and get your license, you will see how complicated this process can be. Namely, creating training programs usually means assessing your client's health and fitness level. It also means tailoring each exercise and each training day so that the client can ultimately reach his/her goal. 

Creating Diet Programs

Of course, let us not forget about creating all those dieting programs too! It does not matter whether you are in the fitness world or not, you probably know that having a well-balanced diet is just as important as exercising. It is important not only for being fit but also for being healthy. All personal trainers know this, and besides being exercise-showing professionals, they must also be nutritionists and dietitians. This just goes without saying - a personal trainer must understand everything there is to food and diet if he/she wants to create a diet program for the client. And this is what they do almost every day - they create different diet programs for different clients so that everybody can be safe, healthy, and fit. 

Carrying Out Admin Tasks

Last but certainly not the least thing that all personal trainers do every day is carrying out all those admin tasks. So, yes, being a personal trainer does not mean being in the gym all the time, it also means spending a lot of time behind the computer screen. These admin tasks usually include updating social media pages, following a marketing strategy they have, checking emails, following the leads, etc. These admin tasks also include things like creating schedules, writing down exercise and diet programs, paying the bills, sorting out taxes, and a lot of other 'boring' things. But, no matter how boring they are, they are still a big part of a personal trainer's job. This is especially true for self-employed personal trainers who need to up their game.