Acts of violence see ‘rise’ in 2015

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KUWAIT CITY, Jan 22: Rates of violence and aggressive behavior has dramatically increased in the country in the year 2015. Fights erupted over trivial reasons that spilled blood in malls, roads and places of gathering of young men and others, reports Al-Qabas daily. According to statistics issued by Ministry of Interior, security authorities dealt with 12,000 cases of public brawls, which means about 33 fights occurred per day last year. Thousands were wounded in these fights and some sustained permanent disabilities.

Meanwhile, an Egyptian woman has filed a complaint with the Ahmadi Police Station accusing her compatriot husband of assaulting her, reports Al-Rai daily. The wife has submitted a medical report showing bruises on various parts of her body. During interrogation the husband admitted to the charge and said he lost his temper when he saw her smoking sheesha inside a café. The couple has been referred to the authorities.

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