Al-Nasr Club renews Dhaher Adwani’s contract

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Al Nasr coach, Dhaher Al-Adwani.

KUWAIT CITY, June 30: Al-Nasr Club has renewed the contract of its first team football coach, Dhaher Al-Adwani, who will lead the team for the second consecutive season. Under Al-Adwani’s leadership, Al-Nasr secured fifth place in the Zain Premier League last season.

Training for the new season began last week, with new foreign players expected to join in the coming days. The contracts of the previous season’s professionals, including Syrians Omar Al-Maidani and Abdullah Al-Shami, Libyan Moatasem Al-Lafi, Algerian Ayman Lakjaa, and Colombian Hansel Zapata, were not renewed. Zapata has since signed with Kazma.

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