Al-Shamlan maintains 29th world ranking amidst tough competition

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Kuwait fencing delegation departs to hungary for training camp.

KUWAIT CITY, Jan 20: Hamad Al-Awadi, the Secretary and Chairman of the National Teams Committee of the Kuwaiti Fencing Federation, reported that Youssef Al-Shamlan, the champion, maintained his world ranking at 29th place after concluding the Grand Prix tournament in Tunisia. Al-Shamlan exited in the 64th round, succumbing to his Egyptian counterpart.

Simultaneously, the Kuwaiti fencing team’s delegation for juniors and juniors has embarked on a 17-day training camp in Budapest, Hungary, in preparation for the upcoming Asian Junior and Junior Fencing Championship (men and women). The championship is scheduled to take place in Manama, Bahrain, from February 16 to 25. Heading the delegation is Hamad Al-Awadhi, who serves as both the secretary and head of the committee. The technical staff includes national coach Saud Al-Zamil, Senegalese coach Baba Touria, technical director Tariq Mahdi, and a contingent of 22 players.

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