Al-Tadamon junior handball teams begin training for the new season

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The technical director of the youth sector, Mishal Al Adwani.

KUWAIT CITY, June 30: Training has commenced for the junior handball teams of Al-Tadamon Club, including the school divisions for under-13 and under-15 age groups. Mishal Al-Adwani, the technical director of the youth sector, is overseeing these sessions. The handball courts and necessary equipment for these age groups have been prepared by the team at Al-Anaid.

Mishal Al-Adwani, also serving as the technical director of the junior handball sector at the National Solidarity Club, mentioned that Egyptian coaches Khaled Saqwa and Essam Al-Sharif, along with administrator Saad Al-Rashidi, lead the club’s handball school. The under-13 and under-15 teams receive coaching from Hungarian coach Alex, assisted by national coach Saad Al-Moussawi, and administrators Fahd Al-Rashidi and Hamad Al-Moussawi.

Al-Adwani emphasized the commitment of club management and the handball staff, under the leadership of Adel Al-Helfi, to adequately prepare the teams before the upcoming season. He expressed confidence that both the technical and administrative aspects are well-prepared for local competitions. The club aims for a notable improvement in the performance of its handball teams compared to previous seasons.

By Khaled El Anzi

Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff

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