ACKNOWLEDGING the paralysis of the political system and its inability to develop is not a bad thing. It is a fact that must be in the mind of every official and citizen. We need to realize that development will not come by chance, but by action based on a sound vision for the better. In this regard, it would not come as a surprise if Kuwaitis return to the plan developed in 2009 by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, in which he pointed out the specifications that must be followed to revitalize state institutions, and for each authority to operate independently without any interference from others. In the introduction to his plan, Blair said, “Kuwait today needs to take a fundamental decision about its future.
Its history is great, its potential is enormous, and its people are creative and endowed with great talents. But the truth is that these potentials will not be realized and talents will dissipate if the current policies continue.” The question here is - who makes that decision? The Constitution was drawn up in 1962 during a critical stage, and the goal was to get out of the impasse of regional challenges that threatened the national destiny. At that time, the voices of nationalist and populist movements were loud, and its articles were formulated according to those circumstances.
That is why the text was clear that it must be reviewed after five years and developed. But the reviews never came, and the abuse of the text continued, either in the relationship between the two authorities, or in making an MP a shadow ruler, or in not clarifying the mission of the National Assembly and the Council of Ministers. This is why we must admit that some of Kuwait’s leaders avoided ruling, and left the matter to happen according to what the parliament saw fit.
After liberation, it had reached such an extent that it had greatly exceeded its mission and encroached on the powers of governments, such that one MP ruled on the correctness of a decision, and the minister must submit; otherwise, the interpellation guillotine will be hanging around his neck. Wasn’t more than one prime minister executed in this manner because he rejected some parliamentary appointments, or did not approve a law that did not suit the state’s financial situation?
The mission of parliaments in the world is to monitor the work of governments and legislation. They do not have the right to appoint anyone or interfere in the work of the executive authority. However, what is happening here is contrary to that. If the MP does not like the appearance of the minister, or if the minister does not agree to send the MP’s supporters abroad for tourist purposes under the pretext of medical treatment, or does not appoint his relatives to positions of responsibility, the MP grills the minister!
No doubt correcting the defect begins with amending the Constitution. This is a necessary task especially after 62 years of its approval to straighten the relationship between the two authorities, especially about the interrogations that are often carried out in other countries. Likewise, the deadline granted to the Prime Minister-designate must be reconsidered, as he can't form a ministry within 14 days, unless with “whoever is present.” What is required now is for ministers to be competent, as the ministry is not only a political position, but also a technical task.
Therefore, the Prime Minister must be given enough time, perhaps up to a month or two. In this regard, although the Constitution granted the ruler great powers, and he, by political custom, is the “father of authorities”, as per the Kuwaiti situation, he is restricted by several obstacles that are not consistent with the correct political practice necessary for him to perform governance in a manner that suits logic. Therefore, what Tony Blair said about the “paralysis of the political system” necessitates amending the Constitution, which is an urgent task that should not be further delayed.
By Ahmed Al-Jarallah
Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times
[email protected]