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THERE is an Arab adage - “Destiny reunites two even though they thought reunion was impossible”. This applies to the 41st GCC summit that was held in the Saudi city of Al-Ula, and what the GCC arena witnessed in the last three and a half years of division, which has now ended as a result of Kuwait’s persistence in mending the relations within this organization.

Undoubtedly, this meeting was a source of joy for all the people of the GCC countries. The Qataris were happy with their Amir’s decision to participate in the summit, and to open the borders with the big brother Saudi Arabia, whose people also rejoiced with this great positive development, as well as Bahrain, Oman and the United Arab Emirates — the commonalities of these nations are greater than all interests.

The GCC nationals have been dreaming for long to have linked capitals, either through the railway, easy movement among the GCC states, or the electrical connection and exchange of goods, and of enhancing their own economic power through a unified industrial and food production system.

They also feel at home whenever they are in the Gulf countries...  they do not feel alienated or uncomfortable. That is why the atmosphere created by the previous crisis became the cause for a massive heartbreak in every GCC national.

After this historic reconciliation, we all have to bring out some of the hidden things in front of all the Gulf people — those in Doha as well as in Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Manama and Muscat — and call things by their names.

Those who caused the division had carefully planned it for the sake of money and power, with the main objective of controlling the country Qatar. They are allied with groups whose aim has always been to dominate the Arab world, as well as foreign administrations that sought to realize the scheme of organized destruction of the Arab world through the so-called “Arab Spring” aimed at the so-called “creative chaos”.

They were under the illusion that they, through their position within the Qatari authority, could implement all their plans. However, their dream evaporated with the great step that Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa took in terms of transfering power to Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad. It is no doubt a step that every Gulf Arab is grateful for and appreciates, because it thwarted the plan of the maniac of money and power — Hamad bin Jassim — who had installed his foxes in the joints of the state and its media institutions.

Everyone still remembers the leaks published about this man’s order with Muammar Gaddafi to bring down the Saudi regime and divide the kingdom, and his involvement in the riots in Bahrain, Kuwait, Egypt, Syria and Tunisia.

Al-Jazeera would be a platform from where he called “nations seeking freedom,” and that was part of the nation’s game. The man was involved in it under the assumption that he, through that, could obtain an instrument of external support to control the government in Qatar.

Since the time Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad took over the power, he worked on dealing with the chaos both internally and in the Gulf region, and was able to restore Qatar to its first bright Gulf history, and return to the Gulf home.

On the other hand, it is necessary to disclose a number of files that have been raised. Talking about terrorism and supporting it by embracing the “Brotherhood” group was not realistic.

This group is present in all the Gulf states. It has fingers in many of the state institutions including in Saudi Arabia, which it tried to portray as an entity that supported terrorism. If they had continued, the kingdom would have become isolated on both the Arab and international levels.

However, these attempts were thwarted after His Highness King Salman bin Abdulaziz and His Highness the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman made their historic decision to expel those elements from all institutions and cleanse the kingdom from such evil mongers.

Similar measures were taken in the UAE, Bahrain, and Kuwait. These are also the measures taken by the Amir of Qatar, and its condition has changed from what it was previously, since there is no longer any influence of the foxes who wanted to seize power.

We are all aware of the extent of the sabotage role the “Brotherhood” has been playing for decades. The events of Rabaa Al-Adawiya Square in Cairo are still fresh in our minds, and how those terrorists sought to ignite sedition in Egypt after its people, led by President Abdul-Fattah el-Sisi, revolted against the rule of the office of the scoundrels. If not, Egypt would have today been the primary sponsor of terrorism in the Arab and Islamic worlds.

Indeed, we must not hold Doha accountable for the media that were dedicated to those obsessed with power, as per what documented reports reveal. They received four billion dollars in compensation for their services, other than the billions they obtained during their time in power.

We must instead look at the tremendous efforts that Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad made, with the support of the honorable Qataris, who navigated Doha to safety grounds.

The Al-Ula Summit expressed the truth about the sincere intentions of the Gulf, and is truly a prelude to the good expected in the fifth decade of the march of the Gulf Cooperation Council for the Arab States.

There is no doubt that not only the Gulf nationals, but the entire world will remember the celebration of the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the Amir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad, which expresses the joy of the entire region over Doha’s return into the Gulf’s frame, after destiny reunited them.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times