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Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi

In the time of corona, many people wallow in many thoughts and reflections.  They sail into the contradictions of such thoughts, which could easily lead to confusion, alienation from their present reality and travelling through the world of thinking and thoughts.  The ramification of such journey is very possible, where some seem crazy.

As the soul enters solitude, apprehensions fall apart and thoughts ordinate, whereas attempts to structuralize these thoughts flop, floundering day and night in confusion between what is possible and what is not, ready to fall from what is stable into despair and depression, forcing to lean on desperation.

Inner desires scramble to search for a journey that is far away and to the past which has long been gone – events and memories which elapsed – to history and its readings, good and bad being encountered all together throughout the journey.  This is in addition to its transformation of success and failure in the face of every nation.  Only a sagacious reader could comprehend today’s events from the past in history books.

Salih Bin Sharif al-Rundi (1248-1285) established in his poetry: “Those are the days witnessed by nations, whatever delights in a moment could agonize a many a time.”

Harsh lessons, sermons and memories are drawn from the series of events through confusion and recurrences. A few seconds feel like a year.  Whoever fails to compose himself fails to benefit from the present.  Instead, he wallows in the past glory or misfortune with nothing to offer for the future.

They become a burden on themselves and on humanity in general, living a life of merely eating, drinking and sleeping – no productivity at all. They call for idealism while representing nothing about it.  They call for righteousness while upholding racism to the bone.  They go as they came – with completely nothing, not even leaving the legacy of a good name or attribute.

If you do not give, you will not take. If you do not let go, no one will let go for you. Life is all about giving and taking even in greetings, when you say: “Peace be upon you,” the response will be “upon you too.”

Your life is different from mine.  You have your issues and we all have ours.  But at the end of the day, we are all creation of Almighty Allah, a fact which begs us to remember how small we are – we came from a sperm.

Nothing transpires in this universe without the Almighty’s knowledge and will. Therefore, do not try to outsmart the creator of heavens and earth, and always remember how small you are.

The fourth Muslim caliph, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “Think you are a small particle and around you, the huge world revolves, your illness is from you and what you see, and your medicine is in you and what you feel.”

At the end, you were created from soil, and to it you will return. You will never understand a thing if you fail to comprehend the fact that you are a weak being, and the roads before you will cross each other and you will never know where is the right from the left.

Twitter - @alzmi1969

By Yousef Awadh Al-Azmi

“Human civilization, its history and future depend on the word of truth; sincere newspaper and honest slogan. By truth we live, and not by bread alone,” Egyptian doctor, philosopher and author Mustafa Mahmoud (1921-2009).