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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, Feb 6: The Kuwaiti Artistes Association (KAA) has expressed its condemnation of the negative behavior and phenomena outside public morals in society, and that these phenomena do not represent art, artistes and the artistic family, stressing that the artiste is an integral part of the components of the Kuwaiti Muslim and conservative society, who are keen in their beliefs, religion, originality and artistic message, reports Al-Qabas daily. This happened after one of the parliamentarians in the National Assembly exposed artistes in general and their honorable artistic career. The association said, in a statement, that it rejects any negativity and added art concerts in Kuwait are held in accordance with the regulations set by the law, and in the event that concerts are held outside this context, the competent authorities must take the necessary legal measures.

The association affirms that art is a purposeful social humanitarian message, and this is what the Kuwaiti constitution stipulates in Article 14, which emphasizes the state’s sponsorship of science, literature and the arts. The association stressed the Kuwaiti artiste is part of the society that adheres to the true Islamic religion and the customs and traditions that the people of Kuwait have built on since time immemorial, and it cannot be a tool that goes beyond legal controls or corrupts public taste. It is noteworthy to make a mention here that MP Hamdan Al-Azmi had warned the government during a regular session of the National Assembly, last Tuesday, not to allow the holding of concerts, saying: “The Kuwaiti people are a conservative people, and concerts are (a source of) destruction for our children.” MP Al-Azmi had also threatened to grill the ministers of Interior, Information and Commerce in this regard.