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THE Syrian city of Idlib has been making regional protagonists preoccupied with Syrian affairs, together with local militias linked to it based on the nature of its scheme which has been exposed in the last seven years. News from most areas came through them. The news contained more hopes and wishes than reality.This is how the war started with promises on downfall of the regime made by those drenched in Syrian blood. At the time, they said the regime will fall within two months. At other times, they raised the bar of their anticipation to three months. After the first years, promises to topple the Syrian regime were in months and years.As the war continued, they let go of a gang or militia and started another one, saying the latter will end the war. Eventually, all of them retreated and withdrew while the regime’s military continued to expand its control.It was said that such gains were earned due to the intervention of Iran. This is partially true, but they did not ask themselves who pushed the regime into the hands of Iran.Later, they said that Russian support and participation tilted the balance of war in favor of the regime. Even this is true, but the questions they refused to answer are: Who paved way for Russia’s intervention? Are the events in Syria in its interest and that of its people or as described by a protagonist ‘the prey which ran away from the hunter’?Currently, anyone who calls for leaving Syria to the Syrians is being accused of treason, being mercenary and conspiracy against the Syrian people.A Levant adage says, “Here is a midwife who yearns for the infant more than the mother.” Who could be more committed in protecting the interests of Syria than its people? Are those fighting against the Syrians keen on achieving objectives which the victims have no interest in? Are they the ones who paid the price — benefit of others on their land — for their peace, stability and lives of their loved ones?The so-called ‘Arab Spring’ test started in Tunisia whose leader fled, and then after a short span of time, the country plunged into chaos. The test then moved to Libya. We saw how crimes were committed against Libyans and the horrible death of its leader. Until now, the war continues to generate miseries. We do not even know who is leading that country; whereas the ‘Brotherhood’ and ‘ISIS’ continue to violate the land, dignity and resources of Libya.Unfortunately, there is no light at the end of the tunnel through which Libya will return to how it was before February 2011. Iraq is another country which has not rested from uprisings. In fact, it is now under the control of Iran that continues to create miseries in all aspects of life on a daily basis. It is on the verge of becoming another Somalia and this threatens the welfare of every neighboring country.It is imperative to acknowledge that in Syria, the regime is stronger, it resisted attacks and its president did not flee or leave the country. Instead, he benefited from majority of the people who supported him, as well as the adherence of armed and security forces to the president’s policies.In addition, the regime enjoys regional and international support in the form of thousands of fighters who left their countries to fight in Syria against the Syrians; such as members of ‘al-Qaeda’, ‘Brotherhood’ and later ‘ISIS’, ‘Jaysh al-Islam’ and Nour Al-Deen Zanki militias, ‘Hezbollah’ and militias backed by Iran.Did those who sparked the fight in Syria expect the regime to immediately surrender and submit to foreign calls to step down and leave Syria to transform into Libya or another Iraq?The fall of dominoes, which started in Tunisia, was not as easy as some had imagined; because dominoes never stop falling and not meant to stop in a certain country.This is why we have been warning about the dangerous repercussions since the beginning as we were looking at a grim future which could be seen by those who have insight, not those who harbor animosity and hatred that make one blind. Today, the truth manifested itself in Idlib. For weeks now, regional and international forces have been warning about exterminating militias in Idlib and every party continues to hold firm on their position.Turkey strives to spread its influence in order to block Kurdish expansion from reaching its territory, while preserving its gains in the form of ‘Brotherhood’ in the Arab world especially in Syria. Iran is maintaining its control over Syria to have an open road from Tehran to Beirut, and restructure the identity of the region.Nonetheless, Iran’s scheme is the most dangerous and everyone needs to be aware of it. Its scheme has ideological repercussions through which we are still burning in the Arab world. Such threat is not found in Russia’s scheme which is based on strategic gains, and it does not strive to change the religious and social identity of Syrians.Indeed, getting rid of Iranian presence in Syria is essential. Apart from that, the people of Syria, who proved to be alive and capable of pulling off miracles and reconstructing their country, could change the situation in their land and choose their leader and the type of governance they wish to have.In particular, little is said about the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ when it comes to the Syrian crisis. This has brought to my mind what Husni Borazan said in the series, ‘Sah Al-Naum’ (Wake Up): “If we want to know what is going on in Italy, we should know what is going on in Brazil”.Perhaps, the Syrian crisis will have an end similar to that of ‘Sah Al-Naum;’ then the aspirations of regional powers would have defied their hopes and wishes.Therefore, if we want to know what is happening in Idlib, we should first know what is happening in Tehran and Ankara. From that, we would know the hand calling the shots on both sides.By Ahmed Al-JarallahEditor-in-Chief, the Arab Times