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On Tuesday, National Assembly Speaker Ahmad Al-Saadoun initiated the routine parliamentary session, delving into discussions on various significant topics.

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 13: The National Assembly on Tuesday rejected the decision of Speaker Ahmed Al-Saadoun to remove the response of MP Abdulkareem Al-Kandari to the Amiri speech delivered on Oct 31, 2023 from the minutes of the previous session. Al-Saadoun had earlier cut the statement of Al-Kandari from the television broadcast, pointing out this decision is in line with Article 69 of National Assembly Law. Al- Kandari then said it seems the seat of the Speaker is like magic; indicating that cutting his speech from the television broadcast indicates it included offensive phrases, but this is not true. He clarified that his speech was the polite response of a son to his father, referring to himself and HH the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. Then, the Assembly proceeded with the discussion and approval of the following incoming letters:

■ Request of the Human Resources Development Committee to extend the deadline to complete its investigation into the factors that led to the rising number of nominees to leadership positions in public institutions. The committee promised to submit its report to the Assembly before the current parliamentary year ends.

■ Request of MP Mubarak Al-Hajraf to assign the Public Facilities Committee to discuss the establishment of the Camel Market along the Eighth Ring Road in Artal. Some MPs objected; stating this should be referred to the Environment, Food and Water Security Committee but their number was not enough to lead to the rejection of the letter.

■ Request of MP Muhammad Al-Hewaila to assign the Education, Culture and Guidance Affairs Committee to discuss the decision of the Ministry of Higher Education to prevent the holders of secondary stage certificates obtained more than two years ago from applying for admission into the universities.

■ Request of several MPs to assign the Health, Social and Labor Affairs Committee to investigate the delayed registration of new medicines and medical equipment, and procedures adopted by the Ministry of Health in this regard. Minister of Health Ahmed Al-Awadhi commented on the letter; affirming that he and the ministry are concerned about the citizens’ health and safety. He said no medicine is approved unless it passes the specified tests, which may take long time in some cases. He explained that “sometimes the delay is due to the procedures taken away from the ministry.”

■ Request of the Education, Culture and Guidance Affairs Committee for it to hand over the assignment to discuss the suffering of students residing in the southern areas to the Modern and Remote Areas Development Committee.

The Assembly also tackled the parliamentary questions forwarded to ministers. MP Marzouq Al- Ghanim disclosed that he has forwarded almost 70 queries; but he received only 28 responses, some of which are inaccurate. He said he asked the former oil minister to clarify the news published by Al-Jarida daily that Iran has been ignoring Kuwait and distorting facts about Durrah offshore oilfield. He added the former oil minister responded that such queries must be forwarded to the foreign affairs minister; which he did, but he has not received any response till date. He pointed out that since the issue concerns national security, it requires a clear reply --either to deny or affirm the published information. Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah Al-Yahya asserted that he is ready to respond the MPs’ queries, confirming that Al-Ghanim will receive the reply soon.

MP Hamad Al-Matar commented on the queries he forwarded to Minister of Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research Adel Al-Adwani about the private universities. He stressed that no other country provides 90 percent of the revenues of private universities like Kuwait, yet these universities are not hiring national academic staff and they impose extra fees on students for absurd purposes. He said the government provides private universities with almost KD300 million in revenues (about $1 billion); so he wants to know the strategy adopted by the minister in dealing with private universities. MP Jenan Bushehri stated that she forwarded three queries about Dhaman Hospitals Company to the minister of commerce and industry; but the latter’s replies were sent to the Secretariat General of the Assembly, claiming they contain confidential information. She wondered what could be the secrets included in the answers to her queries. She urged the Assembly Office to review these answers and then reclassify them.

MP Falah Al-Hajri revealed that he asked the former defense minister to provide him with certain information like the number of military personnel who participated in the 1967, 1973 and 1990 wars; but the response he got was unclear and there was no exact figure, as he was merely informed that there were thousands.

By Saeed Mahmoud Saleh
Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff