Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil
ON TUESDAY, Feb 15, the young and active Member of Parliament Ahmed Al-Fadhel distributed red roses to his colleagues in the Parliament on the occasion of Valentine’s Day. This civilized initiative could have transformed the National Assembly from a place of insults and altercations to a place of sublimity and good demeanor.However, orders were issued either by the National Assembly Speaker or the board of trustees to gather all the roses and remove them. Unfortunately, we do not know what happened but we congratulate the young MPs for this lovely initiative. May Almighty Allah forgive those who removed those roses!On WhatsApp communication app, I received a picture of a white cargo aircraft affiliated to the Emirates SkyCargo.What was strange or rather beautiful about this picture was that a huge rose was painted on a large part of the plane’s body. Such a matter is considered normal for a company that exceeds our national carrier by many years.The hilarious and interesting aspect in this regard is the comment made by the sender. He said, “If this was in our country, “Abu Lahab” and his wife — the carrier of firewood — would have threatened to grill the concerned minister”.Coming back to the National Assembly, the talks in all meetings and diwaniyas are regarding the proposal made by one or more MPs of the November 2016 Parliament to amend Article No. 79 of the Constitution to ensure all laws are in line with the Islamic Sharia.This represents clear and repugnant disregard for the refusal to amend Article No. 2 of the Constitution, especially since His Highness the Amir had rejected a similar suggestion when it was presented in 2012, and the reason was clarified.We want to ask this MP, who had claimed that everyone in Kuwait is in support of the amendment, — Who gave you the mandate to represent the entire people of Kuwait especially since you were the one who refused to stand in respect for the Kuwaiti flag few years ago? Who gave you the right to propose such an amendment, knowing that it could provoke sedition and division among various layers of the Kuwaiti society?What laws have been issued that do not adhere to the principles of the Islamic Sharia? If there are any, why don’t you and your clique propose the amendment of those laws to ensure they adhere to the principles of the pliable Islamic Sharia?In addition, can the countries, which have applied principles of Islamic Sharia in its laws, be considered as ideal and lacking crimes and corruption?Last but not the least, what kind of Sharia law do you want our laws to conform to, considering the fact that there are differences in opinion among scholars to a level that you cannot even imagine?Apart from the rule of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the rule of the well-guided caliphates after him, mention any Islamic Caliphate country that had implemented proper Sharia laws, and not the “Sharia of state-funded preachers or pro-state clerics”.By Ali Al-BaghliFormer Minister of Oil