Bank employee jailed for embezzling 100,000 dinars from expat

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Appeals Court sentences bank employee to 5 years for embezzling 100,000 dinars.

KUWAIT CITY, April 18: The Court of Appeal, presided over by Counselor Nasr Salem Al-Heid, has issued a verdict sentencing a bank employee to five years in prison for unlawfully appropriating 100,000 dinars from an expatriate’s account.

The defendant was accused by the Public Prosecution of falsifying bank documents, including account statements and transaction records, to issue a check amounting to 100,000 dinars. Under false pretenses of investment in a deposit, the defendant deceived the victim, who was of Iranian nationality and lacked proficiency in the Arabic language. The victim was persuaded to invest in a deposit scheme promising monthly profits, ultimately signing documents, including a check payable to the defendant for the aforementioned amount.

Subsequent investigations revealed evidence supporting the victim’s claims, including surveillance footage from the bank’s cameras, witness testimonies, and corroborating statements from the victim. Following a trial at the Criminal Court, the defendant was convicted and sentenced to five years in prison.

Upon appeal, the Court of Appeal upheld the initial verdict after reviewing the defense’s arguments and affirming the validity of the accusations. The ruling stands as the final decision on the matter.

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