KUWAIT CITY, Aug 15: Minister of State for Municipal Affairs Fahd Al-Shula issued a ministerial decision approving the new municipal waste management and public hygiene regulations, which included 33 new articles, reports Al-Qabas daily. The ministry said in a press release that the new regulation cancels Ministerial Resolution 190 of 2008 regarding the hygiene regulations and its amendments.
The ministry pointed out what is most prominent in the new regulations is Article 10, paragraph (b), which stipulates that it is permissible to barbecue on public beaches according to the controls and places that are determined provided a decision in this regard is issued by the Director General of the Kuwait Municipality.
It indicated that the new regulation prohibits barbecue on sidewalks, streets, roads, squares, public squares, public facilities, state-owned lands and public parks. The ministry pointed out that Article 12 prohibits the owners of neglected and damaged vehicles, marine boats, homes, mobile prefabricated chalets, and the like from leaving them in the streets, on the sidewalks, and in open public areas and squares.