Bohra community in Kuwait receives Sultan

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KUWAIT CITY, Sept 14 The Bohra community in Kuwait received Sultan of the Bohra community, Syedna Dr Mufaddal Saifuddin to a commemoration session on the 40th day of Imam Hussain’s martyrdom in Ardiya Industrial Area. Hundreds of members of the community gathered in the morning in front of the Burhai Center to receive Sultan Syedna Dr Mufaddal Saifuddin. The organizers set up a tent opposite the Burhani Center which accommodated more than 3,000 people to participate in a commemoration session to be held on Friday morning.

The director of public relations for the Bohra community in Kuwait, Hudhayfa Yousef, said, “The members of the Bohra community residing in Kuwait extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad, His Highness the Deputy Amir and Crown Prince Sheikh Mishaal Al-Ahmad, and to the honorable people of Kuwaiti for the welcome and hospitality that the Sultan receives when he comes to Kuwait”. Youssef stated that the Sultan Saif al-Din Mufaddal in Kuwait is expected reside for a week.

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