Brazilian coach Cakarato to lead Kazma Club volleyball team

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Kazma’s new coach Cakarato displays the Brazilian flag in this file photo.

KUWAIT CITY, June 27: Kazma Club has contracted Brazilian coach Cakarato to lead the first volleyball team for the 2024-2025 season, replacing Iranian coach Javad Shamami, whose contract has expired. Cakarato previously coached the Bahraini national team and Dar Kulaib Club, achieving notable success. The team is also reviewing several CVs of professionals from Cuba, Brazil, and France to sign two new players to strengthen the team for the upcoming season. This follows the decision not to renew contracts for last season’s professionals, Bulgarian Fino and German Igor Bogachev.

Khaled Al-Bahwa, the director of volleyball at Kazma Club, confirmed that Cakarato’s extensive experience and impressive resume make the contract well deserved. He expressed gratitude to the club’s management for supporting the volleyball team and their efforts to overcome obstacles to prepare the teams, especially the first team, for the new season.

Al-Bahwa added, “We are seeking high-level professionals and have contracted several local players for the season, including Abdulaziz Muhareb, Abdulwahab Al-Jiran, Ali Al-Saqan, and Muhammad Sayyar Al-Anzi.” He also mentioned that the first team will begin preparing for the new season at the start of August.

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