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WHEN the Tunisian uprising kicked off towards the end of 2010, it was cheered by the Muslim Brotherhood Group, the Mullah regime and the US Obama administration, which out of joy called it “The Arab Spring”. However, soon it came clear that the trio were marking their territory and had distributed their roles in the new game of nations.

While the White House was pressuring the Arab countries to preserve what it called “freedom of opinion and expression” and allow demonstrations, the Muslim Brotherhood Group worked on urging its branches in Egypt, Syria, Libya, Morocco and the Gulf states to organize more protests. The role of the Mullah regime was to dispatch its gangs to some countries where it has an organized network of agents, in order to destabilize those countries and carry out terrorist and sabotage operations.

This is how the threads of the conspiracy were woven. The choice of Egypt was not a second stop for the saboteurs, as it is the bastion of Arab regional security. In other words, if it falls, it becomes easy to reach the rest of the Arab countries, especially the Gulf countries, which the Muslim Brotherhood Group and the Iranians considered as the grand prize for whoever manages to control them.

That is why the cadres of the Muslim Brotherhood Group in Kuwait chanted slogans for the immediate overthrow of the regime, and claimed that it will be the second after Egypt from where the Arab Spring will be launched to the Arabian Gulf states.

All observers know how the American intervention in the Egyptian movement helped the Muslim Brotherhood Group to come to power through a planned rigging of the elections at the time. We saw the implementation of its plan from the very first moment of its control over institutions.

Internally, the group started talking about cutting off part of Sinai and making it a haven for the terrorist group, as said by the then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Regionally,  the group interfered in the internal affairs of Arab countries, taking the color of its historical ally the Mullahs regime.

Also at that time, the goal of the two parties was to dismantle the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in preparation for the acquisition of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Subsequently, Iran worked to create chaos and sabotage in Bahrain through its puppets, while the Muslim Brotherhood Group of Tunisia tried to move their tools in Mauritania, Morocco, Libya, and even in Mali, as it was seeking to control some African countries.

All this scheme began to collapse with the uprising of the Egyptian people in 2013 over the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood Group. It was indeed a blessed and peaceful popular uprising, and was the largest in the history of Egypt and the Arab world, as 33 million citizens took to the streets. With the protection of the army, which aligned with its people, Egypt managed to resolve the battle quickly, and began cleaning itself from the terrorist group.

On the other hand, the punitive measures taken by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and the rest of the Gulf countries to confront these gangs led to the reduction of the terrorist group, and with it the collapse of the American-Iranian-Muslim Brotherhood Group project.

Therefore, just as the beginning was in Tunisia, the end of this project will also be in Tunisia. It is returning to its source through the new popular uprising that will undoubtedly lead to knocking the last nail into the coffin of subversive groups, either the Muslim Brotherhood Group or Iranian sectarianism, as it was in Egypt.

Undoubtedly, there will be another Abdul Fattah el-Sisi to save Tunisia the way the actual Abdul Fattah el-Sisi rescued Egypt from the jaws of the Muslim Brotherhood Group.

All this is taking place while the US administration, whether in the Trump era or now in the Biden era, has realized that Obama’s plan would have led to the loss of its allies in the region, which means that it will lose an ally strategic force that it can never overlook.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times