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This is the beginning of an upcoming disaster, and there is no way it will happen if the government continues with its plans to permit more than 12,000 citizens to build their homes at once in the two above areas.

Apart from what this means in terms of severe administrative pressure on the various government agencies concerned with these licenses from the ministry concerned with housing and the Municipality, the Credit Bank, the Ministry of Electricity and Water and the Ministry of Public Works, all this does not mean anything compared to the chaos that will prevail in the building materials market as a result of 12,000 citizens starting to build their homes almost simultaneously.

There are so many reasons, including the lack of liquidity, a large number of the owners of these homes will have to resort to modest engineering offices to make building plans and what this means in terms of future problems for them.

They will also face the problem of finding licensed contracting companies capable of carrying out the construction task at reasonable prices and a minimum level of trust, especially since the relative remote distance of the area will make the homeowners’ control over construction sporadic, if they know how to monitor. This will certainly open the door for cases of fraud, corruption, theft, random construction, disputes and cases in courts to list a few of the problems that will crop up.

The most dangerous of all, due to the prevailing Corona pandemic and the confusion in the shipping sector, there is currently a shortage of building materials in the market especially the basic material, and this shortage will continue in the foreseeable future, and prices will rise to higher levels and an inflation will spiral out of control, and this will create many difficult social and financial problems for citizens.

Also, the problem of power shortage will continue for a period that may exceed two years. Many service and industrial areas do not currently, or soon, obtain their need for electricity, and the demand is increasing, and the deficit is also increasing. The situation will not  be resolved soon in light of the turtle pace government administration and the unfortunate situation at the Ministry of Electricity.

We hope that the Minister of Housing Affairs will intervene to persuade the rest of the government agencies to be prudent in granting building permits. Issuance can be done over a period of one year, for example, and chosen by a lot, and this will reduce pressure on the Municipality and the prices of construction materials, electricity, and even cost of blueprints, construction financing.

We issue this warning and hope it reaches the ears of concerned officials.

email: [email protected]

Efficient Director General of the Kuwait Municipality Eng. Ahmad Al-Manfouhi stated that the Municipality will begin, as of mid-March, to issue building permits in the suburbs of Mutla’a and the South Abdullah Al-Mubarak areas.

By Ahmad alsarraf