Centralized alarms save lives, protect properties

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KUWAIT CITY, June 30 : Acting Chief of the Kuwait Fire Force, Major General Khaled Abdullah Fahad, emphasized on Sunday the life-saving potential of a project to connect building fire alarm systems to KFF’s central command, aimed at protecting lives, properties, and ensuring societal safety. In an interview with KUNA, he outlined that a dedicated team is overseeing the implementation of this crucial initiative. Major General Fahad praised the commitment of the First Deputy Prime Minister, Defense Minister, and Interior Minister Sheikh Fahad Yusuf Al-Sabah in conducting inspection campaigns and addressing violations effectively. He highlighted the ambitious scope of the project, which aims to link over 50,000 buildings to the central command, enhancing response times to incidents and emergencies.

Major General Khaled Abdullah Fahad Acting Chief of the Kuwait Fire Force

Explaining the project’s structure, Major General Fahad detailed its division into three phases based on building types: new constructions, older buildings already equipped with fire detection systems, and those lacking any fire alarm systems. He stressed that the installation of panels in buildings will enable immediate notification to the central command, ensuring swift action within 120 seconds of an incident.

The responsibility for installing these panels lies with the landlords, initially focusing on critical structures such as hospitals. Major General Fahad shared statistics from 2023, indicating that the Kuwait Fire Force managed 16,080 incidents, including 4,394 fires and 1,257 in residential areas. Al-Farwaniya was identified as the governorate with the highest number of fires, predominantly caused by electrical faults. Highlighting progress in safety, he noted a 25% decrease in firefighter injuries compared to 2022, with the longest fire incident lasting between 10 to 19 minutes.

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