Child Custody Breakthrough: Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas Reach Accord

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LOS ANGELES, Oct 10, (Agencies): Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner have reached a temporary child custody agreement, as revealed in court documents filed on Tuesday.

According to the order, Turner will have custody of their two children, aged 1 and 3, from October 9th to October 21st. Following that, the children will be with Jonas from October 21st to November 2nd. The schedule will continue on a rotating basis, with Turner having custody until November 22nd, Jonas taking over until December 16th, and Turner once again having custody until January 7th.

The court order also grants “Game of Thrones” star Turner the flexibility to return to the UK whenever she has the children. Previously, they had agreed to a temporary order to keep the children in New York.

The former celebrity couple, who announced their separation on September 6th after four years of marriage, has been embroiled in a legal battle over where their young children should reside. Turner filed a petition requesting the return of the children to England, which had been their permanent home as a family.

In her filing, Turner accused Jonas, one of the Jonas Brothers, of wrongfully keeping the children in New York City and withholding their passports. In response, Jonas argued that surrendering the passports would violate a court order in Florida, where he filed for divorce. He also expressed willingness to have the children raised in both countries.

The children had been traveling with Jonas and a nanny during his US tour while Turner was filming a new drama series in the UK. Turner had planned to fly to New York City in mid-September to bring the children back to the UK, but the divorce announcement came before that could occur. Jonas’ divorce petition cited the marriage as “irretrievably broken” and requested “shared parental responsibility” for their children.

As of Tuesday, attorneys for Turner and Jonas had not provided any comments regarding the matter.

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