In general, our peoples are considered the most hostile to the Western system, represented by America in particular. It spread on social media as a result of an imaginary, but close to reality, questionnaire that included two questions asked to students at Arab universities. The first was: Do you like Russia or America? The answer was 90% decisive in favor of Russia!
The second was: If you were offered two residence visas for Russia or America, which country would you choose? The answer was 100% America!
However, if we offered a sick person an American-produced medicine and a Russian-produced medicine, he would choose the American one, even if it was for an amount he couldn’t afford!
This conflict in the Middle Eastern, or Arab character in particular, has caused confusion for many, and we have previously seen something similar to it during the battle to occupy and liberate Kuwait, where the majority of the Arab peoples stood against Kuwait, a small and peaceful country that has a benevolent hand over many, and chose to stand with a tyrant aggressor, from whom they have never received a red penny!!
There are also similar situations and indicators that contain sharp contradictions, but they often do not arouse anyone’s attention, despite their seriousness. In a glaring example, MP Muhammad Haif asked the Ministry of Education to prepare for the return of schools, and to prepare places for prayer in schools!
Neither he nor the ministry concerned paid attention to the fact that implementing the request means having to clean the place where prayer is held, equip it with the necessary furniture, and then lift it, after the end of prayer, and place it in the designated place and cleaning the bathrooms as a result of hundreds of students performing ablution.
But neither the MP nor the concerned authority cared about who would carry out these tasks. Rather, they only cared about the students’ performance of prayer, and left the above tasks, which are the most important and most dangerous to the upbringing of young people, to the workers.
They did not assign the student a role in preparing the prayer places or taking care of their cleanliness, but rather all what is required of them is to earn the wage, and leave the rest of the matters to the workers, perpetuating the fact that we are a people who believe in performing rituals, but do not believe in performing duties, even if they are necessary for performing rituals!!
There is also the issue that we have previously written about repeatedly, which is the lack of respect by a large percentage of mourners and worshippers for road etiquette and the principles of parking the car. We find that they do not hesitate to park in the wrong places, or to park behind other people’s vehicles, so that they are prevented from moving until they return!! How do these people accept to go to perform a religious duty and deliberately disturb the comfort of others, perhaps intentionally?
There is no doubt that the Kuwaiti people are religious, and they attend all religious occasions, and mosques spread everywhere they want, even in government departments and others.
However, this religiosity did not prevent a large percentage of them from manipulating the reward lists for the front rows, for example, and from contributing to the vacation selling scandal which cost the state 422 million dinars, an increase of 122 million dinars.
All of this was done by Kuwaiti officials, and the amounts were collected without the right of citizens like them! How can this contradiction in religiosity and prohibition be explained? The reason lies in the fact that we did not care about the quality of education, especially the moral aspect of it. Good education, and teaching morals within it, is the solution to all our problems, but teaching morals, in particular, is not even at the bottom of the government’s list of priorities, and it is not among them… originally.
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By Ahmad alsarraf