‘Comply with health regulations’ Panel tours many schools

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KUWAIT CITY, Sept 23: Chairman of the parliamentary Education, Culture and Guidance Affairs Committee MP Hamad Al-Matar, along with committee members MPs Hassan Jawhar and Fayez Al-Jomhour, visited some schools in the Capital and Jahra educational districts recently. Ministry of Education Undersecretary Ali Al-Ya’aqoub and Assistant Undersecretary for Educational Buildings Affairs Eng Yaseen Al-Yaseen accompanied the parliamentary delegation during the tour of the schools. The visit is aimed at checking preparations for the upcoming academic year to ensure that the schools strictly comply with the health regulations. The committee intends to visit other schools next week.

This field tour is part of the committee’s tasks in line with the decision that the National Assembly issued on March 30 to assess the precautionary measures for the resumption of traditional classes. On the other hand, the Budgets and Final Accounts Committee discussed Thursday the final accounts of the Ministry of Defense and the Communication and Information Technology Regulatory Authority (CITRA) for fiscal 2019/2020. The committee tackled the reports of the State Audit Bureau (SAB) regarding the final accounts of these two institutions.

The Housing Affairs Committee on Thursday discussed bills on amending Housing Law number 47/1993 with the representatives of the concerned institutions. Meanwhile, MP Osama Al-Menawer forwarded queries to Minister of Commerce and Industry Abdullah Essa Al-Salman about the decision that the Assembly issued in 2018 to submit to the Council of Ministers the Public Funds Protection Committee’s report about the violations found in public properties managed by Kuwait Ports Authority (KPA) and rented to Kuwait and Gulf Link Transport Company (KGL) and its subsidiaries. He asked about the action taken by the government regarding the report, if it decided to liquidate the bank guarantee of KGL, if there were direct or indirect correspondences between the concerned minister and KGL about the bank guarantee, if the ministry consulted the Legal Advice and Legislation Department about the bank guarantee, amount of the bank guarantee, if the guarantee was seized in a bid to prevent KGL from using it for other purposes, and steps taken to protect public funds in light of the violations of KGL. By Saeed Mahmoud Saleh Arab Times Staff

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