CSC mandates four fingerprints for overtime attendance

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Civil Service Commission building

KUWAIT CITY, June 5: The Civil Service Commission (CSC) has mandated that employees assigned to overtime must record four fingerprints daily to document their attendance and departure. This directive was outlined in an official circular titled “Proof of Attendance and Departure for Overtime Work,” a copy of which was obtained by Al-Anbaa.

The circular instructs employees working overtime to perform an attendance fingerprint when starting and a departure fingerprint upon completing their overtime work. It emphasizes that any day without recorded attendance and departure fingerprints will not be considered for overtime compensation.

According to the circular, issued by Assistant Undersecretary for Financial and Administrative Affairs Salah Al-Saqabi, employees assigned to overtime will now be required to complete four fingerprints daily: two for regular work hours and two for overtime. This policy is based on Civil Service Council Resolution No. 12 of 2012 regarding overtime compensation, as amended by Resolution No. 42 of 2016.

There is ongoing uncertainty regarding whether this circular will extend to the 55 ministries, government agencies, and public institutions under the Bureau’s purview or if a separate decision from the Civil Service Council will be needed. It remains unclear if individual entities will have the freedom to implement their mechanisms for optimizing employee productivity.

In related news, the Bureau announced the successful distribution of 2,421 governorate employees to various government agencies.

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