Cultural world misses famous literary figure

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The cultural community lost on Tuesday, Sept 21, 2021 one of its main literary figures in the field of poetry, literature, theater and novel the writer Mohammad Al-Asa’ad who graduated in Baghdad in 1967 and came to Kuwait, worked in Kuwaiti newspapers and magazines such as Al-Qabas, Al-Talia, Al-Seyassah, Al-Watan and Al-Hayat.

AL-Asa’ad combined the talents of writing, poetry, criticism, researching and translation from English, he was the first one who introduced to the Arabic Reader the haiku poetry in Arabic. His famous works which exceeded thirty, his novel “The Children of Dew “ in which he remembered his childhood and how he was forced to desert his village Umm Al-Zinat, near the City of Haifa from which he and his family were forced to leave in 1948 after the disaster of Palestine. He has several novels such as: “Gardens of the Lover”, and “Sounds of Silence”.

In the field of poetry he wrote “ Signing in Deep Canopies” and “Tried to portray you in the body of sea”.

He has also contributions in criticism such as “Article in poetic language” and “Looking for Modernity”.

At the level of translation, he translated the novel “The Devils” for Tudor Douestofsky.

Mohammad Al-Asa’ad, I knew him closely since 20 years ago, he was a prominent literary figure, enriches the dialogue due to his merited thinking culture and his sublime taste to art.

No words can express the merits of this man who contributed a lot of work to the literary and artistic community , and after his passing away , we only can extend condolences to his lovers and family and the cultural community, and we only say: We are deeply saddened by the departure of Abu Ghassan.

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By Youssef Mubarak Al-Mubaraki

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