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author name Arab Times

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Ahmad Al-Sarraf
One of the participants to a European economic policy forum, told the Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubair: “In fact, DAESH is an Islamic product. The organization has attracted people with psychological problems, adventurers, disgruntled people in the Middle East and Europe, and that what DAESH calls for is derived from Islamic religious interpretations”.Al-Jubair responded by saying: “Every religion has its own misguided people and psychopaths who want to hold the religion hostage and ‘Islamic’ DAESH is not an exception”.Similarly, the racist organization Ku-Klux-Klan (KKK) is Christian. They carry the cross and do everything in the name of Jesus Christ and in the name of religion kill anyone of African descent. Can anyone say that Ku-Klux-Klan represents Christianity? There are other groups which have gone to the extent of committing massacres to ensure their countries are free from non-Christians.Similarly there are Jews and Hindus but they do not necessarily represent their faith. In this case to say that DAESH represents Islam is absurd. What Jubair said is generally nice and logical, and I do not know what the reply of his interlocutor was when Al-Jubair mentioned Islamic religious texts that the killing of a human being and talked about the freedom of an individual to choose his religion. Apart from the above, we have some general questions.There are texts that some understand as a call to kill infidels and polytheists, but most of the world’s doctrines have, over time, neutralized these texts and made them part of the heritage and the past and more a doctrine to be followed.The teachings of the American Ku-Klux-Klan and other terrorist organizations around the world are not taught in schools of the respective countries, including the United States.The US government does not spend billions to promote the ideas of this extremist organization; neither does it send thousands of preachers to the ends of the world to promote them. The ideas and ideals of DAESH are found in the curricula of thousands of religious institutes and universities, hundreds of thousands of schools and Islamic universities around the world. This explains why the so-called ‘Islamic terrorism’ is more prevalent than Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, or other terrorism.It would have been possible for DAESH to achieve more success and become strong and get the recognition of many Muslim countries and others because the thought they promoted was consistent with the thinking of many Muslim masses. If the DAESH leaders were not stupid and shortsighted, the world would not have agreed to fight them because they revealed their ugly face and their crimes were evil.By Ahmad Al-Sarrafe-mail: [email protected]