DDI holds workshop on prevention and management of diabetic foot complications

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The participants of the workshop organized by the Dasman Diabetes Institute

KUWAIT CITY, May 30: The Dasman Diabetes Institute (DDI), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Central Administration for Primary Health Care in the Ministry of Health, recently hosted a specialized workshop titled ‘The Prevention and Management of Diabetic Foot Complications.’ Over three consecutive days, healthcare professionals convened to delve into recommendations and approved practices for managing and preventing diabetic foot complications.

The workshop provided attendees essential skills for evaluating and treating diabetic foot conditions, utilizing the latest evidence-based evaluation and treatment methods. The primary objective was to mitigate complications and ulcers associated with diabetic foot issues, ultimately reducing the risk of amputation.

Despite the high prevalence of diabetes in the Middle East and North Africa region, many countries lack adequate foot care, examination, and self-care education programs. The workshop served as a platform to address these gaps and enhance healthcare professionals’ capacity in diabetic foot care.

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