NEW YORK, Jan 16: A new study suggests that omega-3 fatty acids, commonly found in fish oil supplements, could help reduce aggression. These fatty acids, already linked to promoting mental and physical well-being, may now offer another benefit: a decrease in aggressive behavior, according to a 2024 study.
Omega-3 has previously been connected to preventing conditions like schizophrenia, and researchers have long suspected that aggression and antisocial behavior could be influenced by a lack of proper nutrition. This latest research adds to that body of evidence, highlighting how what we eat can affect brain chemistry.
Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania conducted a meta-analysis of 29 randomized controlled trials, involving a total of 3,918 participants. Building on earlier studies of omega-3 supplementation, the analysis found that omega-3 had a modest but noticeable short-term effect in reducing aggression. This reduction was seen across different variables, including age, gender, medical diagnosis, and the length and dosage of treatment, with some trials showing up to a 28 percent decrease in aggressive behavior.
"I think the time has come to implement omega-3 supplementation to reduce aggression, irrespective of whether the setting is the community, the clinic, or the criminal justice system," said neurocriminologist Adrian Raine, who was involved in the study.
The trials included in the study spanned from 1996 to 2024 and ran for an average of 16 weeks. They involved a broad range of participants, from children under 16 to adults aged 50 to 60. Importantly, the reductions in aggression were noted in both reactive aggression (a response to provocation) and proactive aggression (pre-planned behavior), an area that was previously unclear.
While the study suggests that omega-3 supplementation may help reduce aggression, researchers caution that larger, long-term studies are needed to further explore this relationship. However, the findings do add to the growing body of evidence supporting the brain benefits of omega-3 fatty acids.
"At the very least, parents seeking treatment for an aggressive child should know that in addition to any other treatment their child receives, an extra portion or two of fish each week could also help," said Raine.
The researchers propose that omega-3’s ability to reduce inflammation and support vital brain processes might play a role in regulating aggression. While many questions remain unanswered, they believe there is enough evidence to warrant further investigation.
In addition to potential benefits for aggression, omega-3 has been shown to reduce the risk of fatal heart attacks, strokes, and other heart health issues, making it a potentially valuable addition to one's diet.
"Omega-3 is not a magic bullet that is going to completely solve the problem of violence in society," Raine said. "But can it help? Based on these findings, we firmly believe it can, and we should start to act on the new knowledge we have."
The research was published in the journal Aggression and Violent Behavior.