Disabled Kuwaiti Man Loses Entire Bank Balance via Scam Video Call

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KUWAIT CITY, Jun 23: An 86-year-old disabled Kuwaiti man recounted a distressing incident where he fell victim to a scam after being deceived by an impostor over a video call. In an interview with Al-Anbaa following his report to Al-Dhahr police station (Case No. 983/2024), the elderly man disclosed that his entire bank balance of 1,000 dinars was stolen just two days before Eid.

According to him, the fraudster, posing as a military captain during a video call around 3:10 p.m., claimed to be assigned to grant him financial assistance due to his disability. Trusting the deception, the man disclosed his bank information and unknowingly supplied the OTP code as requested, leading to his entire balance being drained.

Reflecting on the incident, the elderly man lamented his vulnerability to such fraudulent schemes despite his awareness of their tactics from previous encounters. He expressed disbelief over falling victim again, attributing the success of the scam to what he described as a form of sorcery.

Appealing to the Ministry of Interior and relevant authorities for assistance, he urged efforts to recover his stolen funds, emphasizing the financial strain caused by the loss, especially given his health conditions.

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