I was in Kuwait and hold driving licence valid till 2024. I left Kuwait and will come back to join a new company. Now I have recently renewed my passport from India and new visa will be processed based on new passport. Will I get same civil ID number, so that I can continue using my driving licence. If I get a new civil ID number, what is procedure to get the old civil ID number, so that I can utilize my driving licence. Name withheld Answer: Yes, you will get the same civil ID number but unfortunately you cannot continue to use your driving licence. The fact you are coming back to Kuwait to join a new company means that both your residence and work permits of your old company were cancelled before you left Kuwait. The cancellation of your residence permit meant automatic cancellation of your driving licence. If you are lucky you may be allowed to renew your old licence when you come back or failing that you will have to apply all over again for a new driving licence after meeting all the requirements. Kindly send your queries to [email protected] or [email protected] Repeated queries wont be entertained, kindly go through our archives.