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EVERYONE in the Arab world knows the real objective behind the massacre carried out by terrorists against the Egyptian Copts. It was aimed at expelling Christians from Egypt, either through intimidation and threat, or by pushing the country into religious sedition and eventually plunging it into a civil war.This would pull Egypt out of its confrontation with either the Israeli enemy or the expansionist scheme of the Iranian regime.We all know that the main aim of the Israeli leaders since the inception of Israel has always been to tear apart Egypt. Another objective was added in 1979, when Egypt was intentionally taken off from the center stage in order to facilitate easy control of the region for the Iranian regime under the theme, “Revolution Import”, and to divide influence with Israel.Everything that happened in the past decades especially in the last six years was never outside the endeavors of Israel and Iran.From this perspective, we need to look at the terrorist attacks, most recent of which was the attack on the Egyptian Copts in Minya. We will discover that Egypt’s war on terrorism — not only inside but also outside its borders — becomes a legitimate right in any place.This is the new strategy that the Egyptian President, Abdul Fattah el-Sisi had announced in his recent speech, clearly addressing the countries that support, directly or behind the curtains, terrorist groups including the Muslim Brotherhood Group, DAESH or their likes.He affirmed, “There will be no red lines from now on. Egypt’s hands will forcefully strike any place that poses a danger to Egypt.”The measure taken by Cairo in this regard falls within the framework of international law and the right for self-defense. This can be either in Libya or any other place where there might be security, media or even financial control rooms that are managed remotely by the destructive network.Unfortunately, there are countries which continue to support terrorist groups, even though they keep denying this. However, it is time for these countries to properly understand the content of Egypt’s message, which was carried by air raids on the dens of terrorists in the Libyan city of Derna.Furthermore, the core of the message is not for Egyptians alone, but for the entire world. It affirms that no country, under any circumstance or justification, will continue harboring and supporting terrorism, or even giving terrorism a platform, without being punished.The world will never allow the cancerous terrorist tumor to spread from one country to another. It will not allow the circle of evil to expand into new countries. If it does, it will only be tightening on itself and moving towards the edge of a precipice.Taking this situation lightly will lead to indirectly surrendering to the logic of terrorists.Excellent move by Egypt! Excellent move by President Abdul Fattah el-Sisi in announcing the new strategy and giving a deaf ear to the so-called organizations of human rights, which in recent years were discovered to be providing cover for marketing terrorism!Testimony to this is the recent events in Bahrain and the stance taken by these so-called human rights organizations that are striving to protect Iranian mercenaries. This was the same stance they took towards those who attempted to destroy Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Egypt.Every drop of blood is ten times more important than those organizations, which are thirsty for the pain and blood of innocent people. Therefore, it is vital to shut all doors for these organizations.The decision taken by Egypt to bombard the terrorist dens in Derna was thus part of its preemptive war on terrorism.By Ahmed Al-JarallahEditor-in-Chief, the Arab Times