Egyptian pharmacist selling drugs gets 5 years

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KUWAIT CITY, Oct 15: The Court of Cassation sentenced an Egyptian pharmacist, who is accused of selling psychotropic substances, to five years imprisonment with hard labor. According to investigations, the accused, who works in a pharmacy affiliated with a private company, sold Tramadol, which is a psychotropic narcotic pill.

Meanwhile, the Court of Appeals sentenced a psychological researcher to five-year imprisonment on four charges. According to the case file, he was caught bringing drugs into the Central Prison, instead of treating addicts and giving them advice and guidance regarding the harmful effects of drugs. He used to enter the prison to carry out his job of treating prisoners for addiction and rehabilitating them, but he instead introduced poisons to them, which was discovered after he was caught hiding pills of psychotropic substances and other narcotic substances.

By Jaber Al-Hamoud
Al-Seyassah / Arab Times Staff

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