WE SAY welcome to Egyptian President Abdelfattah el-Sisi who is currently our august visitor, not only in Kuwait but the entire GCC countries.These countries shared the experience of crossing dark seas during the significant, historic and difficult era when the monsters of extremism and expansion tried hard to drown them. The conspirators included Israel, Iran and the United States. The situation made former US President Barack Obama’s administration toe the line of blood-thirsty Iran and Israel which are still living inside the Medieval tunnels.You are here among your brothers with whom you faced difficult times. As you led the great and precious Egyptian Army to ward off danger of ‘Brotherhood’ terrorism from that country, you were at the same time rescuing the entire region from the sinister plan of the group with Israel, America and the western intelligence to drown the GCC countries and Egypt in the sea of crises as well as sectarian and civil wars. They dragged Iraq, Syria and Libya into it, while they nearly sold the GCC countries to Iran and pushed the remaining Arab countries into the ‘failed nations club’.For several years now, you have been responsible for eliminating evil of terrorism from the region by expelling them from Egypt. You also foiled plans of Israel to move international terrorism to Sinai desert. You did this by responding to the outcry of Egyptians for help to be rescued from the grip of the ‘riffraff’ office. The June 30 revolution signified the beginning of escape from the dark tunnel, so your election was devoid of intelligence agencies’ interference, as always the case in some Arab countries.Your Excellency Mr President, we all understand that you were not keen on the leadership position but it came to you based on the confidence the Egyptians put on you. You did not steal votes or cheat during the election. Posterity will bear witness that it was the first time Egypt conducted a free, fair and transparent election.Posterity also records that you resisted demand of citizens out of fear you might not meet the desires of your people as well as people of the region. However, with strong desire and determination you have not disappointed the Egyptians. You continue to renew the pledge and confidence for performance and accomplishments. This is why Egypt today is far from any disturbance or a source of worry for GCC citizens and other Arab nations. Stable Egypt is a source of tranquility for the entire Arab world.Your Excellency Mr President, whoever is able to weather this storm is definitely strong enough to withstand any propaganda meant to distort Egyptian-GCC relations. The propaganda is the handiwork of those who are hell-bent on causing trouble between Egypt and GCC countries, while promoting the ‘Brotherhood’ and other groups they have nurtured. We are fully confident that you can achieve this through your capability and sagacity.By Ahmed Al-JarallahEditor-in-Chief, the Arab Times