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Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

EGYPTIAN President Abdul Fattah el-Sisi graces Kuwait as an esteemed guest of the Arabs’ wise man, His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.

Undoubtedly, el-Sisi witnessed pomp reception and distinguished welcome in Kuwait; given that everyone knows the level of tight relations between Kuwait and Egypt, as well as the status of Egypt in the hearts of Kuwaitis and Khalijis owing to the strategic ties with Egypt. This is in addition to being the cornerstone of all affairs; hence, the wellbeing of Egypt is the wellbeing of the Gulf.

Based on these facts, it was a joyous moment for the people of the Gulf region when el-Sisi assumed power as per the demand of his people in a bid to rescue Egypt from the claws of ‘Brotherhood’ which allowed opportunists to dominate it under the cover of religion until the course was rectified on June 30, 2013 which protected Egypt from total collapse.

From the start, President Abdul Fattah el-Sisi realized that taking up this major and tiring duty can only be done by remedying the root cause of the disease in order to uproot it. Therefore, major decisions were taken to emancipate Egypt from several historic factors which contributed to the deterioration of its economy.

This deterioration was due to several plans embraced by Jamal Abdul-Nasser who took slogans as the identity of his rule; while he drowned the country into futile wars, and botched economic and political adventures. This approach further impoverished Egyptians and delayed development.

Without a doubt, the legacy that Anwar Saddat took was very heavy. Despite his ability to put Egypt back to its pioneering role after the 1973 War, he was unable to liquidate such legacy.

His reign witnessed years of internal crises created by centers of power which were established under the reign of his predecessor Jamal Abdul-Nasser that reached its climax during the ‘bread riots’ in 1977 by putting Egypt back to crisis. This crisis aborted Sadat’s balanced approach towards peace and sparked the emergence of movements which conspired against Egypt and assassinated Sadat during the anniversary of October War 1973.

Egypt’s regression into crisis and assassination of its audacious balanced man were the prizes for its enemies under the title, ‘We assassinated the victory maker in the Ramadan War.’

The reign of Hosni Mubarak was a turning point, as it reorganized the country internally and completed the process of getting rid of the bad legacy which was left during the reign of Jamal Abdul-Nasser.

In spite of clear touches in that regard, the move was countered by the centers of power; so Mubarak took a long time in remedying several aspects. Perhaps, some of them lacked courage at the time, but the grand mistake was it allowed the Brotherhood to return to the political arena.

This group saw the opportunity to trample on the leadership by instigating people to revolt. This reached the peak on Jan 25, 2011 during the wave of the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ influenced by its members residing in several Arab countries.

The Egyptians witnessed with their own eyes what the ‘Brotherhood’ did as it started to usurp and misappropriate companies and major projects in the country, and dominated them in a bid to take over the economy’s strong joints to transform them into farms for its members.

However, the Egyptians rejected such encroachment and the military stood by them until Egypt was freed from the claws of the evil group.

El-Sisi came when Egypt was on the verge of bankruptcy. It was suffering from several crises; such as foreign exchange, production, projects, lack of investments and deteriorating infrastructure.

The president took painful decisions at the beginning of proper remedy for the future. The economic conference at Sharm El-Sheikh Resort in 2015 was the start of restoration of confidence in Egypt’s economy. This move attracted international companies, in addition to the new investment law approved by the leadership.

This law, despite the need to improve it, marked a significant turning point for Egypt; followed by el-Sisi’s commitment to implement major projects such as the new administration city, roads and bridges, agriculture and industry, expansion of the Suez Canal – one of the biggest industrial areas in the Middle East, in addition to the new El Alamein City and other new cities.

In the last five years, el-Sisi made his country better than it was in the past decades as several partnerships were established, such as the partnership with China and global praises for the audacious economic planning.

El-Sisi works according to a national vision which cannot accommodate personal interest. He believes that everything beneficial for Egypt will have returns for everyone, and that nations usually develop by taking courageous decisions without hesitation.

Hence, when President el-Sisi received great reception in Kuwait, it reflected his achievements which are beneficial to Egypt and the Arab world as a whole.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times