Embassy of Bangladesh launches football tourney to mark 50 yrs of diplomatic ties

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KUWAIT CITY, April 29: To mark the fiftieth anniversary (Golden Jubilee) of diplomatic relations between Bangladesh and Kuwait, the “Embassy Cup Football Tournament” was launched on Friday, April 26, 2024, under the auspices of the Bangladesh Embassy in Kuwait. Organized by the Bangladesh Football Association, Kuwait, the tournament was inaugurated by H.E. Major General (Retd.) Md Ashikuzzaman, ndc, afwc, psc, G, Ambassador of Bangladesh to Kuwait, at the Fahaheel Stadium. Senior embassy officials, members of the Bangladeshi community in Kuwait, and representatives from print and electronic media were in attendance.

A total of 21 football teams will compete in this knockout-style tournament, which will feature 21 matches. This tournament is part of a series of events planned by the Embassy of Bangladesh, Kuwait, throughout 2024 to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Bangladesh-Kuwait relations.

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