KUWAIT CITY, June 29: Employees, who were absent on June 28 and June 29, will not be penalized provided they followed procedures for taking leave days as stipulated in the Labor Law which allows three types of leave days – emergency, periodic and sick leaves, reports Al- Anba daily quoting sources. Sources explained the employees are not allowed to take emergency leave for two days because the Civil Service Law grants only one day for this type of leave, considering the employee cannot inform his superior about the leave due to the urgent situation. Therefore, employees who applied for emergency leave on June 28 and June 29 will be punished accordingly, sources added. Sources said employees are also entitled to periodic leave provided they obtain prior approval irrespective of the number of leave days. Sources pointed out that if the employees took the third type of leave – sick leave, they will not be punished as long as they fulfilled all the conditions such as informing the workplace on the first day they got sick. These employees must also obtain an official sick leave form accredited by the clinic affiliated to the workplace and the residential district. Employees are allowed to have their sick leave form certified by a private medical center, depending on the work authority while the number of leave days does not exceed seven days, sources added. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education intends to grant permission to employees in secondary school departments not to report for work next week until July 6, 2017 because there is no need for them to stay in their workplaces before this day, reports Al-Anba daily quoting sources. Sources revealed several departments in secondary schools had earlier asked Minister of Education and Higher Education Dr Mohammad Al-Fares and Undersecretary Dr Haitham Al-Athari to grant them off days like their counterparts in other academic levels who started their summer break some weeks ago.