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author name Arab Times

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Final steps underway for Ethiopian worker recruitment to Kuwait.

KUWAIT CITY, July 6: Local domestic labor recruitment companies and offices are finalizing procedures to begin recruiting Ethiopian domestic workers to Kuwait. Bassam Al-Shammari, a specialist in domestic labor affairs, stated that following the Ethiopian parliament's approval of a recently signed memorandum of understanding between Addis Ababa and Kuwait, the process is nearly ready to commence. The last step involves the Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior issuing a decision to reopen the visa process, and the completion of initial recruitment contracts, known as "job orders," from the Ethiopian side. The actual recruitment process is expected to start soon.

Al-Shammari informed a local daily that local companies and offices interested in recruiting Ethiopian workers must visit the Ministry of Labor's website in Addis Ababa (, register, obtain a username and password, and upload the required documents. The Ministry of Labor will review and approve the registration request, and "job order" contracts will be concluded under the full supervision of the Ethiopian side. The initial contract procedures are expected to be completed within 10 days.

Regarding the monthly salary for workers, Al-Shammari confirmed that it will be in accordance with Kuwaiti law, noting that the recruitment of Ethiopian domestic workers is timely. Ethiopian workers are seen as a viable alternative to alleviate this shortage.

The memorandum of understanding includes provisions to ensure the arrival of skilled and trained workers familiar with Kuwaiti society. A mandatory 21-day training period, conducted by the Ethiopian Ministry of Labor, will prepare workers by introducing them to Kuwaiti laws, rights, and duties, as well as the nature of Kuwaiti society. Additionally, workers will undergo English language tests to ensure they are ready to work upon arrival without any obstacles.