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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

THE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has firmly put in place a principle that anyone who wants stability for his country and peace for its people will never deviate from this belief by executing those who incited terrorist acts and those who carried out operations which horrified Muslims and peace-loving people. This principle simply means, “No leniency for someone who sells his country to the enemies in exchange for a handful of money, or striving to subdue it with terror, murder and profanation”.

This lesson is also for every terrorist sleeper cell or those blinded by the reality of retribution which does not discriminate between a citizen and the other; regardless of creedal, sectarian or tribal allegiances.

Yesterday, the Kingdom made a decisive statement on combating and eradicating terrorism. This is the effective and inevitable remedy for countries keen on wiping out this malady which threatens the existence of some countries, in addition to the displacement of their people and killing of the innocent.

Therefore, there is no difference between those who incite terrorist acts and those who carry out such acts as both of them want to ruin social stability and instigate conflicts. Despite the hideousness of their actions, they were given proper legal representation in order to avoid any doubt on the ruling.

This has prompted the Kingdom to exercise its natural right to punish anyone who violates its national security, indifferent to what might be agitated by some countries striving to cripple its stability and weaken it by infiltrating the society with destructive terror cells of weak people who act against their nation.

The words of those who spoke about dangerous repercussions on the Kingdom if it goes through with execution of saboteurs and instigators were out of place. In fact, the repercussions they spoke about will befall on every terrorist, not only in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia but the other GCC countries as well; given that a country of this magnitude and size will never succumb to threats from anyone, particularly those who touch on sovereignty issues.

For quite some time, we have been hearing intimidations and threats by Iran concerning one of the saboteurs who was executed. Iran made threats based on the creedal allegiance of the saboteur. We have to ask Iran whether it has become the trustee of Shiites in the Muslim world, and if they would agree on any country being the trustee of Sunnis, Christians or Jews in Iran. Isn’t the saboteur a Saudi national governed by the prevailing laws and orders in the Kingdom just like any other Saudi citizen?

Before fuming and making threats, the officials in Iran should have looked into the menu of daily mass execution — carried out even without going through legal channels — of people suspected of disagreeing with the opinion of the regime’s spiritual leaders.

Similar threats and intimidating statements were issued by the likes of al-Qaeda, ISIL and other terrorist groups, with an identical tone in their language. It makes no difference whether the threats came from those hiding behind the cloak of a regime or an organization as they seem oblivious to the fact that they are barking on the wrong tree.

They are barking about a sovereign issue, considering an independent judiciary made the ruling based on the power of the law; let alone its duty to preserve the soul of people — a responsibility entrusted on those tasked to protect the wealth, lives and honor of peaceful people.

This is a crucial lesson that everyone should learn; especially the traitors, terrorist groups and their cells — “High treason will never be tolerated, and anyone whose allegiance is not for his country”… their punishment will be waiting for them regardless of their assumed strength or support from this organization or that country.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times