Sir when I came to Kuwait I was on factory visa. After 4 years I transferred my visa to another company (not factory), now my visa is company visa, can I transfer my visa to any other company? Name withheld Answer: First of all, ascertain from your company representative (mandoub) as to whether your present visa is company or factory. We say so because under rules currently in force, one can only transfer a factory visa to another factory visa with a different sponsor. However, if your mandoub confirms that your current visa is company, this will mean that you can transfer to another company visa. We must point out that we are not convinced that your current visa is company visa as we are not aware of any changes made to make it possible to transfer factory visa to company visa. Having said this, it should not serve as a barrier to prevent you from going ahead to apply for a visa transfer. The truth will be known when you put in an application for a transfer which will either be approved or rejected and either of these scenarios will help you clear your doubts. Kindly send your queries to [email protected] or [email protected] Kindly go through our archives and refrain from sending repeated questions