Farmers Union opens the seasonal market for ‘Abdali’ produce

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The Kuwaiti Farmers Union official during the launch of the Abdali seasonal produce market.

KUWAIT CITY, Dec 9: Jaber Al-Azmi, President of the Kuwaiti Farmers Union, extended congratulations to farmers on the commencement of the seasonal market showcasing the products of Abdali farmers. The event was attended by members of the Kuwaiti Farmers Union’s Board of Directors and representatives from the Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources. Al-Azmi emphasized the market’s consistent growth each year.

Highlighting the market’s role in connecting farmers directly with consumers, Al-Azmi stressed that this support is a fundamental right for farmers to stand united. He assured farmers that the seasonal markets will persist, with future editions promising improvement and continuous development. Al-Azmi pledged ongoing collaboration with the General Authority for Agriculture and Manpower, as well as the government, to provide farmers with everything they need.

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