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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

THE Mullah regime is currently going through something unprecedented. The trick of ‘sanctuary defense’ on the revolutionary scheme in neighboring countries has fallen, as it continuous to draw the blood of its soldiers daily –whether from the army or the revolutionary guards who have become savages up to a point where their thirst for blood cannot be quenched by massacres carried out in many Arab countries.

This means they will also turn against their leaders, including the supreme one, if the situation continues as it is; due to the failure of security and military interventions of the regime in various Arab countries and the resistance of its people against the expansionism scheme.

This is happening in Lebanon where, since the eighties, the ‘peacock’ regime has been unable to impose its will; or in Iraq, even after the US occupation gave way to Iran by pushing it towards civil war through its sectarian militias; or in Yemen, where, for the last five years, it has been trying, through its tool — the Houthis, to instigate sectarian division; or in Syria, where the Mullah regime is drawing the blood of Syrians.

Perhaps, the Iranians were more understanding in the eighties as the war between them and Iraq continued for eight years, considering it, at that time, the war for their nation. Without a doubt today, they will not accept the flooding of soldiers’ caskets — soldiers who are killed in countries where Iran is engaging in war that they have no interest in, apart from serving the expansionism dreams of a ruling class.

This class perceives that whatever remains is entangled in problems, crises and intervention in the affairs of other countries and this could prolong its reign while extending the period for stealing the wealth of about 80 million people.

Indicators of change in perspective and the Iranians’ mood emerged in the recent elections, as the results showed the increased rate of public’s rejection of the regime’s practices. They did not benefit from the deal with six major countries as well as the decision to lift political and media sanctions. This rather led to higher level of resentment among the Iranians due to the rage over livelihood crisis and global isolation, especially since the innocent are the ones paying the price — whether in deals with the outside world or even their movements.

If the principle is that no popular revolution can succeed without the support of the military, similar to what happened negatively in Iran in 1979 and positively in Egypt in 2011 and 2013; the Green Revolution in Iran in 2009 failed after it was squashed by the military and today there is clear formation of Iranian public opinion.

This formation, whether in the populace or the Armed Forces, has clear features towards the path of revolution which the Iranians — 64 percent of whom are youths — will take. It is the kind of revolution that imposes itself on the army and the Revolutionary Guard due to the behaviors of its leaders who are obsessed with oppression, wastage of public wealth and blood in frivolous wars.

Features of the Iranian horizon indicate this is how a regime obsessed with conspiracy and killing will cease to exist; not because the neighboring countries are boycotting it or because it is living in international isolation. It is rather because its people can no longer remain in the Middle Age caves of ideas for which Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen are paying the price with blood.

Everything has an end. The end of Iran’s frivolous terrorist interference in the affairs of some countries will be the departure of this broken regime through the wrath of Iranians who will take revenge by burying it forever.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah - Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times