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THE current situation in Kuwait is distressing due to the disruption that has reached the two authorities. The legislative authority is sitting on the sidewalk waiting for the new Cabinet, whereas the executive authority is comfortable to handle business and stay away from “headache” even if this is at the expense of crippling the constitution as a result of the irregular work in the two most important authorities.

Indeed, the issue related to the delay in forming the new Cabinet has exceeded the limits of logic and become a dark comedy. What is painful is that His Highness the Prime Minister, despite watching the country go from bad to worse, is not taking a rescue initiative. The loss of its national immunity is increasing by prolonging the life of the caretaker government. This raises many question marks about the treatment of this problem, which must be quickly resolved.

The wait for the new government seems like a miracle next to impossible. Kuwaitis are incurring more damages per day, especially the scientific, commercial and economic competencies who believe immigration to neighboring countries would be more beneficial than staying in a country that is almost suffocating due to absurd closure because of the unhealthy relationship between the two authorities that work on the principle of “Your uncle’s money is not yours”.

Hence, the departure of the two authorities has become the ideal solution, similar to what happened in 1987, for a “reflection period” of four or five years during which the political, economic and social tracks must be re-corrected, and the constitution must be amended as the basis for any treatment. This would be necessary so that the executive-legislative stalemate does not become the usual character in Kuwait, and the powers and limits of each authority will be more clearer.

There is no shame in admitting that this abnormal constitutional situation caused the country to lack realistic practical visions. With all appreciation and respect for most of the prime ministers of the past fifty years, they did not put this in mind, but relied on compromises and passing deals. They forgot about planning and studying, making it seem as if Kuwait is a temporary state.

This inherited political behavior of governments has aggravated sectarian division. We only have to look at the recent student union elections to realize where the absence of a bold national executive decision has led us. We will also see the rapid acquiescence of tribal forces and political components that are still seeking to seize everything, even if this leads to the loss of Kuwait.

What the country has gone through in the past two years and what it is facing today is much worse than the crises it witnessed throughout its 400 years of existence. This calls for alertness at all levels and the immediate start of surgical procedures to get out of the destructive waiting cycle. The atmosphere of the region is overcast with many dark clouds. The need for a capable and effective government has turned the issue of its formation into a “flea market” where even “brokers” resent to present their goods.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times