Former Philippine senator De Lima cleared of all drug charges

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 Former Philippine senator Leila de Lima issues a statement to reporters after she goes out of the Muntinlupa City trial court on Nov 13, 2023 in Muntinlupa, Philippines. (AP)

MANILA, Philippines, June 24, (Agencies): Leila de Lima, a former senator and prominent opposition figure in the Philippines, has been fully acquitted of all drug charges that were filed against her during the presidency of Rodrigo Duterte.

On Monday, June 24, the Muntinlupa City Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 206 cleared De Lima of the third and final charge of conspiracy to commit drug trading. This court had previously granted her bail in November 2023, leading to her release after nearly seven years in detention.

Judge Gener Gito, presiding over Branch 206, accepted De Lima’s demurrer to evidence. This legal maneuver, employed by the defense when they believe the prosecution’s evidence is insufficient to warrant a trial, effectively seeks the dismissal of charges after the prosecution has presented its case.

Following the grant of bail in November, during which Judge Gito found insufficient evidence to prove conspiracy, and bolstered by previous acquittals on two other drug charges, De Lima and her legal team had planned to file a demurrer rather than proceed to a full trial for the remaining case.

This verdict marks a significant legal victory for De Lima, underscoring her prolonged stance against the allegations that had resulted in her lengthy imprisonment.

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