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THE statement made by Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani that “the solution in Yemen should be political” immediately after the Arab coalition and legitimate forces took control over the city of Hudaydah is an acknowledgment of defeat in the fourth Arab capital (Sanaa).About three years ago, the leaders of Iran’s regime announced that they have taken control over it.The strategic city of Hudaydah is added to the series of routs of the Houthis — the military and subversion wing of Iran. It is a new nail pounded into the coffin of the Persian expansionism scheme.The repeated defeats incurred by this scheme for about four years have started to implode where there is fury due to bad living conditions and unemployment which increased to 45 percent in some areas.This is in addition to the international mistrust over even the ordinary Iranians wishing to travel. Worst of all is the wealth acquired by the regime after the nuclear deal was spent on terrorist groups in various Arab countries, instead of spending it on the people who are eager to see a glimpse of hope that they will be rescued from the tunnel of miseries they have been experiencing since 1979.In this regard, questions keep popping up in the minds of observers: What has Iran gained in the past 39 years of interfering in the internal affairs of neighboring countries? What benefits did it get from its war with Iraq which lasted for eight years, the losses it sustained throughout the last four decades, and expenditure of about $300 billion on terrorist gangs?By liberating Hudaydah, in addition to the diminishing control in Iraq, and Russia’s strict order on withdrawal of the Revolutionary Guard and affiliated militias in Syria, the ‘Shia crescent’ which King Abdullah II warned about in 2004 has started to collapse.In Beirut, Mullah agent Hassan Nasrallah is bragging about eliminating Israel and controlling Lebanon’s decision in his basement. His grip on what he considers his stronghold has started to loosen, let alone the growing aversion in his party.The funny thing about the Persian expansionism scheme is that some of the regime’s leaders, including former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, referred to their subversion operations around the world as preparation for the emergence of the awaited ‘Mahdi’.This was a blatant attempt to screen the actual objective — to dominate and expand, which is far from the main principles of the Shias before the Sunnis when it comes to emergence of the issue on the awaited survivor, Mahdi.An observer will realize that the entire expansionism scheme is what former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice termed as the new Middle East achieved through ‘Creative Chaos.”Today after repeated defeats in the region, the image of Iran is close to that of the ‘Muslim Brotherhood Group’ in Egypt when they grabbed the rule after the uprising on Jan 15, 2011 and then a year later 30 million Egyptians came out and ousted them.In fact, the fire of the new Iranian uprising is burning under the sand of protests and demonstrations that started last December, and continue up to this day; whereas injustice and miseries haunt more than 90 percent of the 80 million population.Therefore, the news coming from Hudaydah today will quickly show its impact on the streets of Iran. The worst is coming.By Ahmed Al-JarallahEditor-in-Chief, the Arab Times