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author name Arab Times

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Gada Al Rizq

KUWAIT CITY, Nov 7, (Agencies) Gada Al Rizq, a well-known figure on the "Layali Al Kuwait" show, has expressed her satisfaction in continuously presenting the program that serves as a vital link between the show and its audience. With 9 years having passed since its inception, the program airs on Kuwait's first channel, remaining a significant aspect of the host's career.

In an interview with a local newspaper, Gada Al Rizq highlighted that the program continually evolves to engage the audience effectively, airing every day at 10 PM. It is known as a bridge between the show and the viewers, allowing them to express their inquiries, concerns, and interests.

Al Rizq emphasized that the show covers a wide range of topics, addressing what is currently happening in Kuwait and beyond. She mentioned their interest in the Palestinian cause, particularly in the wake of the latest events in Gaza, and their commitment to shedding light on various issues.

When asked about any desire for a change after so many years of presenting the show, Al Rizq stated that she always strives to adapt to evolving times, and the show remains dynamic with a dedicated team led by Nadeem Ibrahim and Ibrahim Al Dhaeian. She expressed that the show is as relevant as ever, addressing a variety of topics and staying committed to its content.

Regarding the fatigue of hosting daily programs, Al Rizq acknowledged the challenges and mentioned the importance of balancing her professional responsibilities with her family life. She emphasized that daily shows like "Layali Al Kuwait" require constant attention and preparation to deliver meaningful content.

Al Rizq stressed the significance of content and self-improvement over external appearance. She underlined that content and self-development hold greater value, and she remains focused on providing meaningful content for her audience.

In terms of guest selection and topics for discussion, Al Rizq explained that she and her team have a structured approach, planning and distributing schedules to ensure a smooth flow of the program. However, she also mentioned that at times, spontaneous discussions and suggestions occur during the show's preparation, leading to more in-depth and thoughtful content.

In conclusion, Gada Al Rizq expressed her dedication to her work, emphasizing that a professional and well-prepared team ensures the show's success and relevance. The commitment to the content's quality and the audience's interests remains her top priority.