General Fire Force launches specialized search and rescue course

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A photo from the first specialized search and rescue course.

KUWAIT CITY, Nov 27, (Agencies): In a significant development, the General Fire Force, under the patronage of Lieutenant General Khaled Al-Makrad, inaugurated its first specialized search and rescue course at the search and rescue training building.

Officers and non-commissioned officers from the force’s Search and Rescue Center actively participated in the course, designed to enhance trainees’ efficiency in handling specific incidents and cases related to search and rescue at both local and international levels. The comprehensive training included the acquisition of knowledge about the best methods for search and rescue in emergency situations.

The course’s opening ceremony saw the presence of Brigadier General Saad Yassin, Director of the Special Tasks Department, and Colonel Ayman Abdel Wahab, Head of the Search and Rescue Center and International Search and Rescue Liaison Officer.

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