Ghouls are the plural of ghouls. They are what appear to people in the desert, and take different forms to them and deceive them, that is, mislead them, destroy them, ruin their conditions, and destroy their homelands. There are many ghouls in our country, and this is a sample of them, and the first of them is the ghouls of forgery of nationality.
Global population growth is about 83 million people annually, meaning an annual increase of 1.1%, but in Kuwait for years it was 4.4%. This means that the increase in our numbers was not natural as a result of an increase in births, but rather as a result of random naturalization and tampering with the national identity, and it is necessary to reveal the identity of the population.
The second ghoul: the ghoul of fake educational certificates.
It is said that there are tens of thousands of government employees who hold unaccredited and forged certificates, including educators and teachers, and those who hold the most dangerous positions in various state agencies. A large portion of them retired, after receiving millions of dinars from public money in exchange for their degrees.
Another part chose to resign, after the razor approached their beards, and others were referred to the judiciary, but a large percentage still clings to its government job, and continues to sabotage everything around it, and every failed administration there is a holder of a forged certificate standing behind it.
The third ghoul: the ghoul of administrative corruption
This is the reason for all our moral backwardness in government administration, the delay in citizen and resident transactions in the corridors of service ministries, the reason for the spread of nepotism in the government apparatus, and the spread of bribes to pass transactions.
I, along with an influential group of citizens, intended to issue a statement announcing a boycott of the upcoming parliamentary elections, due to our despair over the current situation, and the government’s continued reluctance to move, act, and resolve outstanding issues, most of which require only a little determination and some wisdom.
Then hope began to emerge, with the issuance of “Communication Number One” by the Interior Ministry, asking citizens to cooperate with the authority and report any information related to forgers of national citizenship, through a hotline, and the Interior Ministry had already received many reports.
Several decrees were also issued regarding the cancellation of citizenship for hundreds of people who do not deserve it. The Interior Ministry announced that no nationality will be withdrawn unless the Supreme Committee reviews it, as it is unreasonable for these counterfeiters to enjoy benefits they do not deserve.
The Interior Ministry said that what it is doing is combating crime and corruption and preserving national identity and the public interest, in accordance with the law!
On the other hand, the Council of Ministers announced the start of examining the educational certificates of all state employees, those with high school diplomas and above, from the year 2000 until today, and no entity will be excluded from this examination and scrutiny.
The wheel of development and mechanization of the government apparatus has also begun to move rapidly, and we hope to find greater acceleration in this field, to reduce the risks of nepotism and reduce dependence on the human factor in completing the work of government agencies.
Therefore, we decided to return home, refrain from boycotting the elections, and participate strongly in supporting those who deserve to reach Abdullah Al-Salem Hall, while calling on all those who are hesitant to cast their votes, each according to his convictions.
e-mail: [email protected]
By Ahmad alsarraf