Google introduces new AI features to enhance Gmail experience

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Gemini side panel officially rolling out to Gmail, Google Docs, and more workspace apps.

NEW YORK, June 25: Google is enhancing its Gmail service with a slew of new AI features aimed at streamlining email management and productivity. These updates announced recently, are set to revolutionize how users interact with their emails, both on the web and through mobile apps.

On the web version of Gmail, Google is introducing the Gemini side panel, designed to offer users a seamless experience in managing their emails. Among its capabilities, the Gemini side panel can summarize email threads and assist in drafting new emails. According to Google’s blog post, the tool will provide “proactive prompts” and allow users to ask “freeform questions,” leveraging Google’s advanced AI models, including Gemini 1.5 Pro. Additionally, Gmail mobile app users will soon have access to Gemini’s thread summarization feature.

However, these advanced features will only be accessible to paid Gemini users, requiring a Google Workspace subscription with a Gemini Business or Enterprise add-on, a Gemini Education or Education Premium add-on, or a Google One AI Premium subscription. While these enhancements promise improved efficiency, users are advised to exercise caution and verify important emails before sending, as AI systems are not infallible.

Beyond Gmail, Google is extending Gemini’s capabilities to other productivity tools such as Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drive, as promised during the Google I/O event last month. Moreover, additional AI features, including “Contextual Smart Reply,” are slated for future release, further enhancing the Gmail experience for users.

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