KUWAIT CITY, Oct 30: MP Dawoud Maarefihas clarified that his grilling motion against former Minister of Public Works Amani Bugamaz does not end with her resignation. A decree No 204. 2023 was issued Monday accepting the resignation of Minister of Public Works Dr. Amani Bugamaz. Further, another decree No. 205. 2023 was issued appointing the Minister of Electricity, Water, and Renewable Energy Dr. Jassim Mohammad Al-Ostath as Acting Minister of Public Works. He pointed out that although he cannot object to the resignation as a constitutional action, he is dissatisfied; because he wants to reveal the truth regarding the violations and corruption at the Ministry of Public Works during the term of Bugamaz.

He intends to submit the grilling file to HH Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al- Sabah to follow up on the issue with the latter. He said it is unacceptable that a minister dodges responsibility and questioning through resignation, and then stays at home to enjoy the exceptional salary. He emphasized the need to question Bugamaz about the disasters caused by the delay and negligence in the maintenance of roads, citing traffic accidents that led to many deaths and serious injuries.
He added the rainy season will start soon and he expects many problems to emerge due to the bad condition of the roads. He asserted it would not be easy to question the incoming Public Works minister, considering the short period in office. In a relevant development, the grilling motions of Maarefiand MP Mubarak Al-Tasha are still on the agenda of the inaugural session of the National Assembly on Tuesday; but these motions will be removed from the agenda, because of the resignation of the concerned minister.
In addition, MP Muhammad Al-Regaib called for referring the issues cited in the grilling motions to the Court of Ministers in order to cut the way for any senior official to dodge responsibility through resignation.
Meanwhile, MP Hamad Al-Medlej asked Minister of Commerce and Industry and State Minister for Youth Affairs Muhammad Al-Aiban about the number of real estate exhibitions licensed and monitored from 2013 to 2017, licensing regulations and requirements, list of concerned institutions, copies of all relevant correspondences and decisions, method of verifying information about real estate projects showcased in exhibitions, responsibilities of the organizers of exhibitions and the ministry in case the participants commit violations, and penalties imposed on those who committed violations if any.
MP Falah Al-Hajri asked Minister of Justice and State Minister for Housing Affairs Faleh Al-Raqaba if it is true that only three graduates from the Islamic Sharia College are appointed as public prosecutor C per year, legal basis of this move which violates the principles of equal opportunities and justice, if it is true that the committee tasked to interview the applicants ignored the regulations and submitted the results directly to the justice minister instead of the Supreme Judiciary Council, if it is true that the committee leaked the list of nominated applicants before the approval of the Supreme Judiciary Council or justice minister — a violation of the Constitution and relevant laws, and if it is true that one of the nominees was removed the list for security reasons. He argued that if this is true, it means the security institutions did not assess the applicants in order to remove those with security problems before the exams and interviews.
By Saeed Mahmoud Saleh
Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff and Agencies